SC Auto Shutter Fiber Optic Connector & Adapter


SC Auto Shutter Fiber Optic Connector & Adapter push pull design with sophisticated dust and laser protection system , is extremely easy to use and safe for the unskilled workers. The shutter on the connector open and close automatically when the connector is being inserted into or extracted from the adapter.


What Is SC Auto Shutter Fiber Optic Connector & Adapter?

SC Auto Shutter Fiber Optic Connector & Adapter

SC Auto Shutter Fiber Optic Connector & Adapter

SC Auto Shutter Fiber Optic Connector & Adapter, push pull design with sophisticated dust and laser protection system , is extremely easy to use and safe for the unskilled workers. The shutter on the connector open and close automatically when the connector is being inserted into or extracted from the adapter.


  • Optical fiber communication systems engineering
  • Fiber optic data communication network
  • Fiber CATV, FTTH engineering
  • Other optical technology tests



  • Low insertion loss and added loss
  • High stability, high reliability,height of attenuation
  • High back loss, small volume, light weight
  • Shutters open and close automatically
  • SC Auto-door connector can be used with a regular SC adapter
  • Offers highest level of dust and laser protection available
  • Connector design conforms to human engineering, easy to handle
  • Suitable for optical cable diameter:2.0mm,3.0mm
  • Meets with RoHS and reach

SC, abbreviated for Subscriber Connector, has also been referred to as Square Connector or Standard Connector. It’s a popular fiber-optic connector due to its low-cost, durability and simple installation for both point-to-point and passive optical networking.

APC stands for Angle Polished Connector. It is the green connector in the picture below. Note that the tip of the white ceramic has an angle on it. This angle prevents backreflections which will seriously degrade the performance of any analog fiber optic system, such as CATV and Satellite.


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