Using An OTDR
When talking about optical time-domain reflectometer (OTDR), you might see it as complicated and dear. In actual fact, you could think like this for example it is similar to the copper tester and it is a chance to grow my business.
Fiber link testing may be new to some contractors, but the right equipment could make the task easier. You can work like an expert while on an OTDR, even though the fiber link testing jobs are very technical. If you’re a copper cabling installer, an OTDR will give you three big qualities as following.
1. Expert diagnostics which make the OTDR work much like your familiar copper certification tool.
2. A method of bidding on more jobs increase your business and increasing profits.
3. The ability to move your understanding of copper software in a brand new area and be a fiber expert.
Using an OTDR don’t have to be complicated or confusing. Understanding a few fundamental concepts can make OTDR use as straightforward as using a copper certification tool.
First, let’s learn about how an OTDR works. A basic knowledge of how an OTDR works will help in analyzing a trace, particularly when something unexpected happens. An OTDR uses the backscattered light that occurs in most fibers as light travels down the core. The OTDR measures time the backscattered light takes to go back and forth through the bare optical fiber, and taking advantage of the rate of light in the fiber, the OTDR calculates the distance values used in constructing the trace.
Fiber link testing includes using an OLTS. Recently updated standards that concentrate on test methods for installed fiber links recommend the complementary utilization of an OTDR. These new standards add some utilization of an OTDR to ensure not just that the hyperlink has transpired, but to ensure the quality of each installed component on the link.
Identifying bottlenecks is the strength of an OTDR, which sends a pulse of light into fiber and measures the light reflected back at each component as the light lost at this component. The same is true for backscattered light along the length of the fiber itself.
An OTDR fiber tester can establish accurate, highly detailed measurements, when the correct setup and necessary accessories are utilized. The basic setup consists of a source laser, a coupler, a detector, a processor, a connector panel on the OTDR, a launch cable (access jumper), and the system under test. The source laser, coupler, detector, and processor are contained inside the OTDR. When a trace is shot, the origin laser shoots pulses with the coupler then with the system through the launch cable. As light is scattered to the OTDR, the light goes back through the coupler which redirects the light towards the detector. The processor then analyzes the information received from the detector and constructs the trace.
Fortunately, the particular use of the OTDR isn’t as challenging because it appears. Ensuring test leads, launch fibers, andreceive fibers are in a crisp condition, and therefore are neat and correctly connected, will always be under your control. But the remainder of the setup steps could be looked after through the instrument. Newer OTDRs can create an image from the proper setup configuration. You merely need to make connections and have the instrument “learn” the launch and receive fibers.