Horizontal Type Optical Fiber Splice Closure
Horizontal Type Fiber Optic Closure
Horizontal type fiber closure is like a flat or cylindrical case. This type of fiber splice closure is the most commonly used one in mounted aerials or buried underground. Horizontal type fiber optic closure usually contains one or more fiber splice trays to provide space and protection for fiber optic splices. Fiber splice trays used in different fiber optic splice closures may have different designs and fiber counts. The common fiber counts of flat fiber splice closure are 12 and 24 fibers.
Horizontal fiber optic splice closures are designed to be waterproof and dust proof. They have good adaptability and compression resistance, for they are commonly made of high tensile construction plastic. If attached to a pole or hung from wiring, these fiber splice closures need to be held firmly in place, to avoid damage from weather and wind.
The following picture shows a 96-fiber horizontal fiber optic splice closure. It has two input ports and two output ports providing space for 96 fiber splices. There are four standard 24-fiber splice trays stacked together inside the fiber optic splice closure.

The GJS series horizontal type fiber optic splice closure is used for direct connection and disconnection of optical cable lines for overhead, directly buried and pipeline laying. It is used to increase or reduce trays/cassette for capacity requirement. The elastic integrated seal ensure tightening fit, and with slide-in-lock design, over 90 opening angle tray